Zero Emission Yachting
Traditional yacht and dayboat operation requires huge amounts of diesel fuel and the accompanying emissions. Every gallon of diesel fuel burned puts 22 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.
We will change this!

An 80-foot conventional yacht may use 15 or more gallons per hour, resulting in over 330 pounds of CO2 released per hour.
If the yacht is used 1,200 hours per year (about 3 hours per day) one yacht will be responsible for nearly 200 tons of CO2 per year.
Solar Electric yachts are designed to run fully electric, and charged by either the on-board solar panels, or while docked at our Silent Marina at Qamea.
While there is a diesel generator on board our yachts for emergency charging or for extended and higher speed cruising, the amount of fuel used is a very small fraction of a traditional yacht, and fully offset the extensive carbon credits we generate.
Within a few years, Hydrogen Fuel Cells will replace diesel generators on our yachts. We are ready for this transition. Green Hydrogen can be made from the abundant solar power at our sustainable resorts.

A big Opportunity for Fiji
A fresh approach to support the world's oceans
Silent Escapes will contribute 1% of all sales revenues, plus an annual on-going contribution from all resort operations to Silent Catch, the global non-profit initiative of Silent Escapes. The Silent Catch mission is to deliver innovative, scalable solutions with environmental, economic, and equitable impact in the world’s fishing communities. The four-year sales projection for the Qamea alone would indicate a contribution of over $2,000,000, plus additional donations and funding from partners and international organizations. Silent Catch will establish a dockside facility, with the goal of supporting the following activities.

Mangrove preservation & education
Protect the mangroves of Qamea and educate the public and developers of the importance of protecting existing mangroves and the benefits of enhancing their presence.
Local fishing fleet electrification
The number one cost of going out to catch local fish is fuel and followed then only by the cost of maintaining gas and diesel engine in the harsh seaside environment. Silent Catch technology and infrastructure will support the electrification of the local and artisanal fishing fleet, for healthier, more sustainable, and more profitable fishing, and create a global example of excellence.
Reef protection & restoration
Partner with organizations and government agencies dedicated to preserving Fiji’s endangered reefs and fund the creation of new artificial reefs using the latest technology and techniques. To this end, Silent Resorts will fund a study of the reef, seabed, and water conditions around its Qamea & Laucala reef locations.
Silent Caught premium fish marketing
Silent Catch will encourage the local fishing community and entrepreneurs to develop a local and international market for fish caught and processed using the all-electric artisanal fleet, and create a premium brand, “Silent Caught Fiji” that will provide enhanced income for the local community.
Local employment
The Silent Catch dockside facilities will be at several strategic locations and is designed to fund the employment of the local team to manage the above services and provide free solar powered charging of the electrified fleet, and refrigeration to keep the catch fresh.